Sunday, January 4, 2009

First Photos

Here are the first photos of the wick process. Our situation is unique in the fact that the cabins were already connected to a traditional septic system, located on the neighbor’s (original property owner) land. We needed to design our own on our property. The exit pipe was further below ground than recommended (about 60cm) but the land is also on a hill. We ran the wick on the down slope, thus we have only a small drop off from the infiltrator area to the surrounding wick. The wick bricks are 16-18" deep and topsoil 6-8".

On the Oasis design plans the infiltrator stops and the wick continues 15 by 3 feet or so (I gather) in a rectangular direction. We decided to continue our wick in an 8 by 5 foot area, with another 8 by 1.5 foot trench that borders our propane tank. My idea is to eventually hide the propane tank with plants or bushes fed by wick water.

Obviously all digging Matt did by hand. You can see from the photos how deep the exit pipe is. The area above the pipe (an eventual cement infiltrator) is used as a walk way. You'll see how we had to make a tall cement box for the infiltrator so people could continue using the space as a walkway.

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